The biggest problem that can arise with any of the home remodeling project is the time constraints. You will have complete plans to renovate your bathroom, reinvent your bedroom and even the transformation of your kitchen but it is important to note the fact that in these hectic schedules of our daily day to day routines where we find time for the fulfillment of these wishes which are very much time consuming. These days the sheer concern of the homeowners is not the fact of how much the house costs but it solely relies on the fact of how much work is involved and how long will it take to complete the remodeling project.
One simple logic which runs behind this time constraint is that longer the time it takes to finish the project more will be the economical cost involved, the more number of days you have to pay the labor costs hence it is important to note the fact that the shorter the project duration lesser will be the cost involved. Initially it is important to determine t he length of the project. It is hard to determine the timeline of the project, so here is a guide that can come to your aid.
Bedroom remodeling
It is important to remember the fact that the bedroom makeovers need not have to be a chore as a number of small touches can be accomplished in a day. The point in most of the remodeling projects is to keep it short and simple and not get Home Improvement College Station overwhelmed. A fresh coat of paint is one of the quickest and inexpensive ways to give a new rejuvenation to the room. For the bedroom makeovers it is important to note the fact that you stick on to warm and rich colors like maroons and blues.
As far as the redecoration goes spend some time at the store and buy a few knick-knacks, pillows and bedspreads, this is one of the finest ways to express a new sense of style. It is important that you take some time and select the most appropriate items that perfectly match to your bedroom. You can also buy new fabrics for your chairs, loveseats and drapes. All these may take some time but you can finish this within two to three days.
Bathroom renovation
The makeover of the restrooms is a little trickier because this goes much beyond the dcor. Other than decoration there are other functions like flooring, plumbing, cabinetry and countertops. Further it is important to note that you want it to remain functional and beautiful for a lo nger period of time, so these Home Improvement in College Station projects take a couple of days for their accomplishment. The replacement of your plumbing fixtures can transform a lavatory.
There are bigger items that you can replace but it is important to remember the fact that you can simply swap the showerheads, faucets and the handles and this will also provide you with a rejuvenating feel. Incase you have old fashioned lighting then it is important that you take some steps to change them into the lighting facilities of this day.
Sunday, 25 June 2017
Saturday, 24 June 2017
'Water cops' seek sprinkler scofflaws in drought-parched California| Reuters
By Sharon Bernstein
SACRAMENTO Calif. It was still dark on Kokomo Drive in Sacramento's Natomas district as Paul Brown edged his city-issued Honda Civic past a Sprinkler System Fort Worth row of Sprinkler System Installation Fort Worth beige stucco houses with tiny front lawns, looking for water wasters.
He heard the scofflaws before he saw their lush green lawns amid the otherwise parched turf. The buzz of a sprinkler system gave them away on a day that the city, desperate to save water amid California's ongoing drought, had forbidden watering.
"If I can get a good picture - if there's a lot of water - I'll cite them," he said.
California is in the third year of a devastating drought that has led farmers to fallow nearly half a million acres of cropland, threatened fish hatcheries and shrunk drinking water suppli es for some communities.
To get people to conserve, many municipalities and regional water agencies have hired "water cops" like Brown to enforce state conservation rules.
Cities have even asked people to turn their neighbors in, and some have created smartphone apps to make the process easier.
Brown, 46, a father of four who was hired by the city as a meter reader, said he picked this area because he has fielded numerous complaints from neighbors about water wasters.
Camera and citation book in hand, he parked the car a few houses down and got out, walking swiftly to the house where the sprinklers were on. A flash illuminated the building's facade, then all was dark again.
Brown headed back to the car and wrote up the citation. A check of his laptop showed that the residents had not been cited before, so instead of a fine of up to $500, they would get a warning. On a second offense, they would have to attend a meeting on how to save water. Third time, a fine.
The city of Sacramento has about a half-dozen employees enforcing conservation rules. Like Brown, they go out on Friday mornings before dawn, patrolling neighborhoods. When they're not patrolling, they field phone calls from residents turning in their neighbors, hopping in their cars to check out serious reports on the spot.
Water use in the city dropped 25 percent in August over the same month in 2013, the most recent month for which information is available, state data showed.
Statewide, residents and businesses cut water use by 11.5 percent in August over the comparable 2013 period, enough to fill nearly 40,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.
Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the State Water Resources Control Board, credits new rules and tougher enforcement with much of the change.
"Regulations make better results than voluntary exhortations," she said. "People want to know that everybody else is doing it."
In August, the water resources board implemented statewide rules that prohibit watering gardens enough to cause visible runoff, hosing down driveways or asphalt, and operating non-recirculating fountains.
Regulators also allowed municipalities to set mandatory cutbacks and levy fines against those who do not comply.
In Los Angeles, the city has received 4,400 reports of water wasters this year, resulting in 2,200 warning citations, said Michelle Vargas, a spokeswoman with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
L.A. has kept one water cop on the beat full-time since the state's last big drought in 2009, but it added three more this summer after the new statewide regulations went into effect.
The Southern California city of Long Beach is offering residents a water-waster app for their smartphones, making snitching quick and easy by allowing users to report neighbors and businesses for hosing down sidewalks, watering during the heat of the day or having a break or leak in their water lines.
Sometimes, Brown says, reports from vindictive neighbors lead him to visit a property only to find that no violation has taken place.
"I tell them I'm not going to cite you just because they call on you," said Brown, who carefully documents every case with photographs and a brief report. "There has to be evidence."
(Editing by Douglas Royalty)
SACRAMENTO Calif. It was still dark on Kokomo Drive in Sacramento's Natomas district as Paul Brown edged his city-issued Honda Civic past a Sprinkler System Fort Worth row of Sprinkler System Installation Fort Worth beige stucco houses with tiny front lawns, looking for water wasters.
He heard the scofflaws before he saw their lush green lawns amid the otherwise parched turf. The buzz of a sprinkler system gave them away on a day that the city, desperate to save water amid California's ongoing drought, had forbidden watering.
"If I can get a good picture - if there's a lot of water - I'll cite them," he said.
California is in the third year of a devastating drought that has led farmers to fallow nearly half a million acres of cropland, threatened fish hatcheries and shrunk drinking water suppli es for some communities.
To get people to conserve, many municipalities and regional water agencies have hired "water cops" like Brown to enforce state conservation rules.
Cities have even asked people to turn their neighbors in, and some have created smartphone apps to make the process easier.
Brown, 46, a father of four who was hired by the city as a meter reader, said he picked this area because he has fielded numerous complaints from neighbors about water wasters.
Camera and citation book in hand, he parked the car a few houses down and got out, walking swiftly to the house where the sprinklers were on. A flash illuminated the building's facade, then all was dark again.
Brown headed back to the car and wrote up the citation. A check of his laptop showed that the residents had not been cited before, so instead of a fine of up to $500, they would get a warning. On a second offense, they would have to attend a meeting on how to save water. Third time, a fine.
The city of Sacramento has about a half-dozen employees enforcing conservation rules. Like Brown, they go out on Friday mornings before dawn, patrolling neighborhoods. When they're not patrolling, they field phone calls from residents turning in their neighbors, hopping in their cars to check out serious reports on the spot.
Water use in the city dropped 25 percent in August over the same month in 2013, the most recent month for which information is available, state data showed.
Statewide, residents and businesses cut water use by 11.5 percent in August over the comparable 2013 period, enough to fill nearly 40,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.
Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the State Water Resources Control Board, credits new rules and tougher enforcement with much of the change.
"Regulations make better results than voluntary exhortations," she said. "People want to know that everybody else is doing it."
In August, the water resources board implemented statewide rules that prohibit watering gardens enough to cause visible runoff, hosing down driveways or asphalt, and operating non-recirculating fountains.
Regulators also allowed municipalities to set mandatory cutbacks and levy fines against those who do not comply.
In Los Angeles, the city has received 4,400 reports of water wasters this year, resulting in 2,200 warning citations, said Michelle Vargas, a spokeswoman with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
L.A. has kept one water cop on the beat full-time since the state's last big drought in 2009, but it added three more this summer after the new statewide regulations went into effect.
The Southern California city of Long Beach is offering residents a water-waster app for their smartphones, making snitching quick and easy by allowing users to report neighbors and businesses for hosing down sidewalks, watering during the heat of the day or having a break or leak in their water lines.
Sometimes, Brown says, reports from vindictive neighbors lead him to visit a property only to find that no violation has taken place.
"I tell them I'm not going to cite you just because they call on you," said Brown, who carefully documents every case with photographs and a brief report. "There has to be evidence."
(Editing by Douglas Royalty)
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Rociador de incendios
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Rociador automtico contra incendios o Sprinkler.
Los rociadores automticos o regadores automticos (en ingls fire sprinklers), son uno de los sistemas de extincin de incendios. Generalmente forman parte de un sistema contra incendio basado en una reserva de agua para el suministro del sistema y una red de tuberas de la cual son elementos terminales. Por lo general se activan al detectar los efectos de un incendio, como el aumento de temperatura asociado al fuego, o el humo generado por la combustin.
1 Construccin
1.1 Elemento termosensible
1.2 Disparo por detector de incendios
2 Clasificaciones
Los rociadores automticos disponen de un orificio para la salida del agua, un mecanismo de disparo y un deflector para convertir el chorro de salida en una rociada de agua por la zona donde haya fuego de incendio.
El disparo del rociador puede hacerse por Sprinkler Installation dos mecanismos: por un elemento termosensible o por un detector de incendios:
Elemento termosensible
En este tipo de rociador, el cho rro tiene un tapn que impide la salida del agua y un dispositivo de liberacin del tapn El mecanismo de disparo en este caso es un dispositivo para liberar el tapn, que consiste en un elemento termosensible que est diseado para destruirse a temperaturas predeterminadas, provocando de forma automtica la liberacin del tapn y la salida de un chorro de agua pulverizada, que debe extinguir el fuego justo en la zona donde ste se ha iniciado. Este dispositivo puede ser de dos tipos:
Vista lateral de un rociador desmontado, sin bulbo ni fusible.
Fusible de disparo. El tapn se mantiene en posicin por un mecanismo formado por dos placas metlicas unidas con una soldadura, con un punto de fusin cuidadosamente calibrado. En un incendio, el calor generado ablanda la soldadura, haciendo que la presin del agua que acta sobre el tapn desarme el sistema y haga saltar el tapn, permitiendo la salida del lquido. El agua sale por el orificio e incide contra una lmina, diseada para distribuir el chorro a manera de lluvia (deflector). Cada rociador cuenta con su propio fusible, por lo que solamente se dispararn aquellos rociadores que estn en la zona de influencia del incendio.
Bulbo termosensible. En los rociadores ms corrientes, un bulbo de vidrio mantiene el tapn en su lugar y contiene en su interior un lquido que no llena el bulbo, quedando un espacio libre. Cuando el calor de un fuego acta sobre el bulbo, el lquido Sprinkler System hierve y la presin del vapor rompe el vidrio, libera el tapn y entonces el agua a presin, contenida en la red de tuberas contra incendios, descarga y vierte sobre el deflector que la pulveriza formando un chorro de agua nebulizada.
Estos procesos pueden tardar ms o menos dependiendo de la tasa de liberacin de calor circundante al rociador, de la distancia entre el rociador y el techo, de la distancia entre el rociador y el piso, de la inclinacin del techo y de otros factores que han sido ampliamente estudiados por la NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), UL (Underwriters Laboratories), FM (Factory Mutual), entre otros organismos de investigacin y desarrollo en sistemas contra incendio.
Disparo por detector de incendios
Otro modo de activar el rociador es con un detector de incendios asociado, que abre el cierre del rociador, que en este caso es una electrovlvula (vlvula solenoide) cuando se produce un fuego en el rea p rotegida por el rociador (a la vez que da la alarma de incendio). La ventaja de este sistema es que, una vez apagado el fuego, se corta la salida de agua y, si se reavivase, se vuelve a abrir. Con el sistema de elemento termosensible, hara falta que alguien cierre la llave de alimentacin o los daos causados por el agua podran superar a los causados por el fuego.
Otra ventaja del sistema es que el disparo se puede producir por deteccin de humos o por deteccin de la ionizacin del aire, ya que existen detectores de incendio de estos extremos, mientras que los elementos termosensibles solamente funcionan por temperatura. Su desventaja es que, naturalmente, es una instalacin ms cara.
Existen muchos tipos de rociadores que se pueden clasificar de acuerdo a su temperatura de activacin, rapidez de apertura, tamao del orificio de descarga o caudal del rociador, tipo de elemento fusible, forma de aplicacin del chorro, rea de cobertura del chorro de agua, e ntre muchos otros factores que intervienen durante el anlisis de riesgos y diseo del proyecto por el especialista.
En la siguiente tabla, se muestra la clasificacin de los elementos termofusibles de los rociadores, de acuerdo a los campos de temperatura en los que operan:
Temperatura Mxima
Campo de Temperaturas
Clasificacin de Temperatura
Cdigo de Color (con Fusible de disparo)
Color (con Bulbo de disparo)
38C / 100F
57-77C / 135-170F
Sin color o Negro
Naranja (58C) o Rojo (68C)
66C / 150F
79-107C / 175-225F
Amarillo (80C) o Verde (93C)
107C / 225F
121-149C / 250-300F
149C / 300F
163-191C / 325-375F
Extra Alta
Prpura morada
191C / 375F
204-246C / 400-475F
Muy Extra Alta
246C / 475F
260-302C / 500- 575F
Ultra Alta
329C / 625F
343C / 650F
Ultra Alta
Tomado de la norma NFPA 13 Edicin 2007, Tabla
Esta obra contiene una traduccin derivada de Fire sprinkler de Wikipedia en ingls, publicada por sus editores bajo la Licencia de documentacin libre de GNU y la Licencia Creative Commons Atribucin-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported.
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Rociador automtico contra incendios o Sprinkler.
Los rociadores automticos o regadores automticos (en ingls fire sprinklers), son uno de los sistemas de extincin de incendios. Generalmente forman parte de un sistema contra incendio basado en una reserva de agua para el suministro del sistema y una red de tuberas de la cual son elementos terminales. Por lo general se activan al detectar los efectos de un incendio, como el aumento de temperatura asociado al fuego, o el humo generado por la combustin.
1 Construccin
1.1 Elemento termosensible
1.2 Disparo por detector de incendios
2 Clasificaciones
Los rociadores automticos disponen de un orificio para la salida del agua, un mecanismo de disparo y un deflector para convertir el chorro de salida en una rociada de agua por la zona donde haya fuego de incendio.
El disparo del rociador puede hacerse por Sprinkler Installation dos mecanismos: por un elemento termosensible o por un detector de incendios:
Elemento termosensible
En este tipo de rociador, el cho rro tiene un tapn que impide la salida del agua y un dispositivo de liberacin del tapn El mecanismo de disparo en este caso es un dispositivo para liberar el tapn, que consiste en un elemento termosensible que est diseado para destruirse a temperaturas predeterminadas, provocando de forma automtica la liberacin del tapn y la salida de un chorro de agua pulverizada, que debe extinguir el fuego justo en la zona donde ste se ha iniciado. Este dispositivo puede ser de dos tipos:
Vista lateral de un rociador desmontado, sin bulbo ni fusible.
Fusible de disparo. El tapn se mantiene en posicin por un mecanismo formado por dos placas metlicas unidas con una soldadura, con un punto de fusin cuidadosamente calibrado. En un incendio, el calor generado ablanda la soldadura, haciendo que la presin del agua que acta sobre el tapn desarme el sistema y haga saltar el tapn, permitiendo la salida del lquido. El agua sale por el orificio e incide contra una lmina, diseada para distribuir el chorro a manera de lluvia (deflector). Cada rociador cuenta con su propio fusible, por lo que solamente se dispararn aquellos rociadores que estn en la zona de influencia del incendio.
Bulbo termosensible. En los rociadores ms corrientes, un bulbo de vidrio mantiene el tapn en su lugar y contiene en su interior un lquido que no llena el bulbo, quedando un espacio libre. Cuando el calor de un fuego acta sobre el bulbo, el lquido Sprinkler System hierve y la presin del vapor rompe el vidrio, libera el tapn y entonces el agua a presin, contenida en la red de tuberas contra incendios, descarga y vierte sobre el deflector que la pulveriza formando un chorro de agua nebulizada.
Estos procesos pueden tardar ms o menos dependiendo de la tasa de liberacin de calor circundante al rociador, de la distancia entre el rociador y el techo, de la distancia entre el rociador y el piso, de la inclinacin del techo y de otros factores que han sido ampliamente estudiados por la NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), UL (Underwriters Laboratories), FM (Factory Mutual), entre otros organismos de investigacin y desarrollo en sistemas contra incendio.
Disparo por detector de incendios
Otro modo de activar el rociador es con un detector de incendios asociado, que abre el cierre del rociador, que en este caso es una electrovlvula (vlvula solenoide) cuando se produce un fuego en el rea p rotegida por el rociador (a la vez que da la alarma de incendio). La ventaja de este sistema es que, una vez apagado el fuego, se corta la salida de agua y, si se reavivase, se vuelve a abrir. Con el sistema de elemento termosensible, hara falta que alguien cierre la llave de alimentacin o los daos causados por el agua podran superar a los causados por el fuego.
Otra ventaja del sistema es que el disparo se puede producir por deteccin de humos o por deteccin de la ionizacin del aire, ya que existen detectores de incendio de estos extremos, mientras que los elementos termosensibles solamente funcionan por temperatura. Su desventaja es que, naturalmente, es una instalacin ms cara.
Existen muchos tipos de rociadores que se pueden clasificar de acuerdo a su temperatura de activacin, rapidez de apertura, tamao del orificio de descarga o caudal del rociador, tipo de elemento fusible, forma de aplicacin del chorro, rea de cobertura del chorro de agua, e ntre muchos otros factores que intervienen durante el anlisis de riesgos y diseo del proyecto por el especialista.
En la siguiente tabla, se muestra la clasificacin de los elementos termofusibles de los rociadores, de acuerdo a los campos de temperatura en los que operan:
Temperatura Mxima
Campo de Temperaturas
Clasificacin de Temperatura
Cdigo de Color (con Fusible de disparo)
Color (con Bulbo de disparo)
38C / 100F
57-77C / 135-170F
Sin color o Negro
Naranja (58C) o Rojo (68C)
66C / 150F
79-107C / 175-225F
Amarillo (80C) o Verde (93C)
107C / 225F
121-149C / 250-300F
149C / 300F
163-191C / 325-375F
Extra Alta
Prpura morada
191C / 375F
204-246C / 400-475F
Muy Extra Alta
246C / 475F
260-302C / 500- 575F
Ultra Alta
329C / 625F
343C / 650F
Ultra Alta
Tomado de la norma NFPA 13 Edicin 2007, Tabla
Esta obra contiene una traduccin derivada de Fire sprinkler de Wikipedia en ingls, publicada por sus editores bajo la Licencia de documentacin libre de GNU y la Licencia Creative Commons Atribucin-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported.
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Tree-T-Pee: A Shark Tank Success that Grew Out of Hard Times
The first of its kind, the Tree-T-Pee is a water containment system for agribusinesses. Tree-T-Pee creator and farmer Johnny Georges created the product out of his passion for water conservation.
The Tree-T-Pee supplies water conservation through micro-sprinklers and frost protection through its cone-shaped tree guard made of recycled plastic that is positioned at the base of trees.
READ: The Multi-Million Dollar Product That Got Away From 'Shark Tank'
As unique and original as Tree-T-Pee is for the agricultural industry, Georges was nevertheless shocked to find out the "Shark Tank" producers wanted his product on their show.
"For me, it was just go up there, be yourself, and hopefully they like you," Georges told ABC News. "If not, well, they get to show the world what we're doing to conserve water."
The Sharks not only loved the Tre e-T-Pee's efficiency in water conservation, but they were blown out of the water by Georges' touching story behind his business.
Working hard, persistence and giving back was something instilled in him by his father from a young age. So when his father passed away 12 years ago, Georges naturally wanted to honor his father and those values.
"He lives on through me," Georges said.
"It's who we are, because when you're gone, you have nothing," Georges explained. "It's not about the money to me. It's about doing what's right."
Even notoriously vicious Shark Kevin O'Leary had something nice to say about Georges and his message.
"There wasn't a dry eye in the room that day," O'Leary told ABC News.
"You can see his passion as a great American that wanted to help farmers in times of real trouble," O'Leary continued. "At the same time, he was deeply troubled that he wasn't making money."
Georges told the Sharks his product is made for $2.95 a piece and sold for $4.50. Those small margins were shocking to the Sharks.
"I work for farmers. It's what I do, and helping them helps us all," Georges said. "People don't realize food don't grow on the shelves on the grocery store."
WATCH: Mark Cuban on the No. 1 Reason Entrepreneurs Fail
Special guest Shark and investor John Paul DeJoria jumped on board.
"When Johnny said that this Tree-T-Pee saves 3,000 percent on water, you only use one-30th the water, that's when I knew this was good for farmers. It's good for America. I want to be this guy's partner," DeJoria said.
"John Paul has a saying: wealth un-shared is wasted," Georges said. "I'm absolutely in with him."
Georges was overwhelmed with the public's outpouring response following his appearance on "Shark Tank." His inbox flooded with over 56,000 emails in just a day after "Shark Tank" aired and he sold thousands of Tree-T-Pees that night, he said.
Since appearing on "Shark Tank, Georges has been traveling the country, showing farmers how the Tree-T-Pee works and making deals. Recently, he landed a deal with powerhouse retailer, The Home Depot.
"I got a lot of passio n, because I have a 17-year-old son, and almost a 3-year-old daughter, and I want them to have a better world than what we had," Georges said. "I want them to know that their daddy made a difference and set the example."
The Tree-T-Pee supplies water conservation through micro-sprinklers and frost protection through its cone-shaped tree guard made of recycled plastic that is positioned at the base of trees.
READ: The Multi-Million Dollar Product That Got Away From 'Shark Tank'
As unique and original as Tree-T-Pee is for the agricultural industry, Georges was nevertheless shocked to find out the "Shark Tank" producers wanted his product on their show.
"For me, it was just go up there, be yourself, and hopefully they like you," Georges told ABC News. "If not, well, they get to show the world what we're doing to conserve water."
The Sharks not only loved the Tre e-T-Pee's efficiency in water conservation, but they were blown out of the water by Georges' touching story behind his business.
Working hard, persistence and giving back was something instilled in him by his father from a young age. So when his father passed away 12 years ago, Georges naturally wanted to honor his father and those values.
"He lives on through me," Georges said.
"It's who we are, because when you're gone, you have nothing," Georges explained. "It's not about the money to me. It's about doing what's right."
Even notoriously vicious Shark Kevin O'Leary had something nice to say about Georges and his message.
"There wasn't a dry eye in the room that day," O'Leary told ABC News.
"You can see his passion as a great American that wanted to help farmers in times of real trouble," O'Leary continued. "At the same time, he was deeply troubled that he wasn't making money."
Georges told the Sharks his product is made for $2.95 a piece and sold for $4.50. Those small margins were shocking to the Sharks.
"I work for farmers. It's what I do, and helping them helps us all," Georges said. "People don't realize food don't grow on the shelves on the grocery store."
WATCH: Mark Cuban on the No. 1 Reason Entrepreneurs Fail
Special guest Shark and investor John Paul DeJoria jumped on board.
"When Johnny said that this Tree-T-Pee saves 3,000 percent on water, you only use one-30th the water, that's when I knew this was good for farmers. It's good for America. I want to be this guy's partner," DeJoria said.
"John Paul has a saying: wealth un-shared is wasted," Georges said. "I'm absolutely in with him."
Georges was overwhelmed with the public's outpouring response following his appearance on "Shark Tank." His inbox flooded with over 56,000 emails in just a day after "Shark Tank" aired and he sold thousands of Tree-T-Pees that night, he said.
Since appearing on "Shark Tank, Georges has been traveling the country, showing farmers how the Tree-T-Pee works and making deals. Recently, he landed a deal with powerhouse retailer, The Home Depot.
"I got a lot of passio n, because I have a 17-year-old son, and almost a 3-year-old daughter, and I want them to have a better world than what we had," Georges said. "I want them to know that their daddy made a difference and set the example."
Saturday, 17 June 2017
It's farmer versus oil companies in case of alleged water contamination
SAN FRANCISCO -- Every day, oil companies in California dump millions of gallons of wastewater underground. Most of it is getting injected deep under the Central Valley, which also happens to be the state's agricultural heartland.
CBS San Francisco reports that some farmers, like Mike Hopkins, suspect that wastewater might be what's killing their crops, and impacting our food supply.
The problem began about eight years ago when the leaves of his newly planted cherry orchard started turning brown, Hopkins said. Soon the almond trees followed.
"We started doing water tests, soil tests, tissue tests, digging holes, trying to find out where the problem was," he said.
The water tests provided a clue.
"It had more contaminants in it, chlorides, boron, not at toxic levels, but levels that were harmful to the trees," Hopkins said.
His irrigation water contained the very same salty compounds found in the wastewater produced by dozens of nearby oil wells. On average, 10 barrels of wastewater come up with each barrel of oil and most of it is injected back into the ground.
State regulators told Hopkins the wastewater injection well right across the street from his farm couldn't be to blame, because it was abandoned years ago. But it turns out abandoned wells may still be a problem.
"That acts as essentially a chimney," attorney Patricia Oliver, who is suing the oil companies involved on Hopkins' behalf, said.
According to the lawsuit, abandoned injection wells reach into the same area deep underground where dozens of other active wells are injecting wastewater. When pressure builds in the injection zone the wastewater can push up through an abandoned well if it's not properly sealed and leak into the fresh water zone above it.
"Nobody is testing the water wells nearby, even though the Division of Oil and Gas knows there are multiple farmers complaining," Oliver said.
In an email to CBS San Francisco, one of the oil companies involved, San Joaquin Facilities Management, blamed the drought and Big Ag irrigation practices for the problem: "There is no evidence that Sprinkler System San Joaquin's injected water escaped the zone into which it was injected."
Three other oil companies said they can't comment because of pending litigation.
The Division of Oil and Gasthat oversees the dri lling, operation and abandonment of oil wells and injection wells in California also turned down an interview request, sending CBS San Francisco instead to theState Water Resources Control Board.
Jonathan Bishop, the department's chief deputy director, is assisting the Division of Oil and Gas in a federally mandated review of hundreds of injection wells that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined could potentially be contaminating California's drinking water supplies.
"We did a first cut review and identified a number of wells that needed further study," Bishop said.
Dozens of injection wells were found in violation. The well near Hopkins' farm was not on the list, but DOGGR confirms it was never capped.
"There is a theoretical potential that an abandoned well that Sprinkler System Installation perforates down into the oilfield might have some cross connection with a water zone," B ishop said.
He says so far no wells used for irrigation or drinking have been found to be contaminated. But the review process, scheduled to be completed this month, is way behind target. And all the geological and mechanical surveys to make sure the injection wells are safe are being done by the oil companies.
Back at the farm, attorney Patricia Oliver predicted things are just going to get worse. She said that with no help from the state, or from the federal Environmental Protection Agency, her client had no choice but to sue.
"We all know what we face with the current administration trying to take away any power the EPA has," she said.
Meanwhile Mike Hopkins has planted pistachios on the field where his cherry trees once blossomed. They're sturdier plants, but he doesn't hold out much hope they'll survive either. He said tha t once his almond trees stop producing, he'll pull those too.
"This is a small orchard but we have neighbors who are much larger that are going through the same problem. Once we get to a point where everybody is complaining, it's probably going to be too late," Hopkins said.
CBS San Francisco reports that some farmers, like Mike Hopkins, suspect that wastewater might be what's killing their crops, and impacting our food supply.
The problem began about eight years ago when the leaves of his newly planted cherry orchard started turning brown, Hopkins said. Soon the almond trees followed.
"We started doing water tests, soil tests, tissue tests, digging holes, trying to find out where the problem was," he said.
The water tests provided a clue.
"It had more contaminants in it, chlorides, boron, not at toxic levels, but levels that were harmful to the trees," Hopkins said.
His irrigation water contained the very same salty compounds found in the wastewater produced by dozens of nearby oil wells. On average, 10 barrels of wastewater come up with each barrel of oil and most of it is injected back into the ground.
State regulators told Hopkins the wastewater injection well right across the street from his farm couldn't be to blame, because it was abandoned years ago. But it turns out abandoned wells may still be a problem.
"That acts as essentially a chimney," attorney Patricia Oliver, who is suing the oil companies involved on Hopkins' behalf, said.
According to the lawsuit, abandoned injection wells reach into the same area deep underground where dozens of other active wells are injecting wastewater. When pressure builds in the injection zone the wastewater can push up through an abandoned well if it's not properly sealed and leak into the fresh water zone above it.
"Nobody is testing the water wells nearby, even though the Division of Oil and Gas knows there are multiple farmers complaining," Oliver said.
In an email to CBS San Francisco, one of the oil companies involved, San Joaquin Facilities Management, blamed the drought and Big Ag irrigation practices for the problem: "There is no evidence that Sprinkler System San Joaquin's injected water escaped the zone into which it was injected."
Three other oil companies said they can't comment because of pending litigation.
The Division of Oil and Gasthat oversees the dri lling, operation and abandonment of oil wells and injection wells in California also turned down an interview request, sending CBS San Francisco instead to theState Water Resources Control Board.
Jonathan Bishop, the department's chief deputy director, is assisting the Division of Oil and Gas in a federally mandated review of hundreds of injection wells that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined could potentially be contaminating California's drinking water supplies.
"We did a first cut review and identified a number of wells that needed further study," Bishop said.
Dozens of injection wells were found in violation. The well near Hopkins' farm was not on the list, but DOGGR confirms it was never capped.
"There is a theoretical potential that an abandoned well that Sprinkler System Installation perforates down into the oilfield might have some cross connection with a water zone," B ishop said.
He says so far no wells used for irrigation or drinking have been found to be contaminated. But the review process, scheduled to be completed this month, is way behind target. And all the geological and mechanical surveys to make sure the injection wells are safe are being done by the oil companies.
Back at the farm, attorney Patricia Oliver predicted things are just going to get worse. She said that with no help from the state, or from the federal Environmental Protection Agency, her client had no choice but to sue.
"We all know what we face with the current administration trying to take away any power the EPA has," she said.
Meanwhile Mike Hopkins has planted pistachios on the field where his cherry trees once blossomed. They're sturdier plants, but he doesn't hold out much hope they'll survive either. He said tha t once his almond trees stop producing, he'll pull those too.
"This is a small orchard but we have neighbors who are much larger that are going through the same problem. Once we get to a point where everybody is complaining, it's probably going to be too late," Hopkins said.
10 homes with incredible vertical gardens
Photo courtesy of Hector Armando Herrera
It's time to think outside the flower box.
For many homeowners, a love of Sprinkler System Installation Greenville the outdoors clashes with the realities of small spaces. How do you plant a garden when you hardly have the space for your barbecue grill, let alone that pat io set you've been dreaming about? The answer for many homeowners is simple: Move the garden on up.
Vertical gardens give homeowners the luxury of having their own plants while maximizing the space they have for entertaining, relaxing and cooking out. Some make interesting living art pieces, while others provide an extra level of privacy from nearby neighbors.
A well-placed vertical garden could also give your house an especially unique curb appeal that sets it apart from every other house on the block.
Don't have much of a green Sprinkler System Installation Greenville thumb? Not to worry. Many vertical gardens are stocked with succulents and other low-maintenance plants that are easy to care for and help keep water bills low. Others are planted with built-in irrigation systems that can be programmed to care for a homeowner's garden even when they can't.
Whether they use small focal pieces full of succulents or a three-story wall designed to control temperature and light, these 10 homes and their amazing vertical gardens are sure to inspire.
Friday, 16 June 2017
Landscape winner - 2016 Sony World Photography Awards - Pictures
The world's largest photography competition, the 2016 Sony World Photography Awards announced its Grand Prize winners.
Iranian photographer Asghar Khamseh, who works for the Mehr News Agency, won the "Iris d'Or Photographer of the Year and the $25,000 prize for a powerful series of portraits of acid attack victims, "Fire of Hatred."
Here are the winners and finalists, chosen from a record-breaking 230,103 entries, in 14 documentary and fine art prof essional categories -- each judged on a body of work. They winners were selected from a shortlist, announced in February 2016. Winners and shortlisted work will be on exhibit at Somerset House, London from April 22-May 8, 2016.
Landscape winner - "Land of Nothingness"
Maroesjka Lavigne, Belgium
A country named after a desert. One of the least densely populated places on earth, Namibia's landscape draws you in, through a vast brown plain of scorched earth, and steers you over the white surface of a salt pan to finally arrive in the gold tones of the sand dunes.
Iranian photographer Asghar Khamseh, who works for the Mehr News Agency, won the "Iris d'Or Photographer of the Year and the $25,000 prize for a powerful series of portraits of acid attack victims, "Fire of Hatred."
Here are the winners and finalists, chosen from a record-breaking 230,103 entries, in 14 documentary and fine art prof essional categories -- each judged on a body of work. They winners were selected from a shortlist, announced in February 2016. Winners and shortlisted work will be on exhibit at Somerset House, London from April 22-May 8, 2016.
Landscape winner - "Land of Nothingness"
Maroesjka Lavigne, Belgium
A country named after a desert. One of the least densely populated places on earth, Namibia's landscape draws you in, through a vast brown plain of scorched earth, and steers you over the white surface of a salt pan to finally arrive in the gold tones of the sand dunes.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
KB Home Introduces Denali in Mountains Edge
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--KB Home (NYSE: KBH), one of the nation's largest and most recognized
homebuilders, today announced the grand opening of Gardens
and Vistas
at Denali located within Mountain's Edge, a master-planned community
with extensive amenities in southwest Las Vegas.
Conveniently situated near Interstate 15 and Cactus Road, KB Home's
Denali neighborhoods are just a short drive to the Las Vegas Strip,
close to major employment centers, shopping and entertainment. Local
landmarks like The Arroyo Market Square--an expansive outdoor shopping
mall Sprinkler Installation featuring a host of stores, restaurants and other properties--and
Red Rock Canyon, are also nea rby.
Residents at KB Home's Gardens and Vistas at Denali will be able to
enjoy a community pool, gym, and playground, with the added peace of
mind of a private, gated neighborhood.
The eight two-story KB homes available at Gardens and Vistas at Denali
range in size from 1,558 to 2,807 square feet, and can be built with as
many as five bedrooms, four baths, and three-car garages. Distinguished
by open layouts, large great rooms and spacious loft areas, the flexible
floor plans include many desirable de sign features and can be tailored
to suit each homebuyer's individual preferences. Pricing begins in the
KB homes at Denali are also designed to be highly energy- and
water-efficient, equipped with a variety of features such as smart USB
outlets, surface mounted LED lights and WaterSense labeled fixtures
that can help conserve usage and lower utility bills for KB homeowners
compared to typical new or resale homes.
KB Home's Gardens and Vistas at Denali are now open in southwest Las
Vegas. For more information, visit
or call 888-KB-HOMES.
About KB Home
KB Home is one of the largest and most recognized homebuilders in the
United States and an industry leader in sustainability, building
innovative and highl y energy- and water-efficient new homes. Founded in
1957 and the first NYSE-listed homebuilder (ticker symbol: KBH), the
company has built nearly 600,000 homes for families from coast to coast.
Distinguished by its personalized homebuilding approach, KB Home lets
each buyer choose their lot location, floor plan, dcor choices, design
features and other special touches that matter most to them. To learn
more about KB Home, call 888-KB-HOMES, visit
or connect on
homebuilders, today announced the grand opening of Gardens
and Vistas
at Denali located within Mountain's Edge, a master-planned community
with extensive amenities in southwest Las Vegas.
Conveniently situated near Interstate 15 and Cactus Road, KB Home's
Denali neighborhoods are just a short drive to the Las Vegas Strip,
close to major employment centers, shopping and entertainment. Local
landmarks like The Arroyo Market Square--an expansive outdoor shopping
mall Sprinkler Installation featuring a host of stores, restaurants and other properties--and
Red Rock Canyon, are also nea rby.
Residents at KB Home's Gardens and Vistas at Denali will be able to
enjoy a community pool, gym, and playground, with the added peace of
mind of a private, gated neighborhood.
The eight two-story KB homes available at Gardens and Vistas at Denali
range in size from 1,558 to 2,807 square feet, and can be built with as
many as five bedrooms, four baths, and three-car garages. Distinguished
by open layouts, large great rooms and spacious loft areas, the flexible
floor plans include many desirable de sign features and can be tailored
to suit each homebuyer's individual preferences. Pricing begins in the
KB homes at Denali are also designed to be highly energy- and
water-efficient, equipped with a variety of features such as smart USB
outlets, surface mounted LED lights and WaterSense labeled fixtures
that can help conserve usage and lower utility bills for KB homeowners
compared to typical new or resale homes.
KB Home's Gardens and Vistas at Denali are now open in southwest Las
Vegas. For more information, visit
or call 888-KB-HOMES.
About KB Home
KB Home is one of the largest and most recognized homebuilders in the
United States and an industry leader in sustainability, building
innovative and highl y energy- and water-efficient new homes. Founded in
1957 and the first NYSE-listed homebuilder (ticker symbol: KBH), the
company has built nearly 600,000 homes for families from coast to coast.
Distinguished by its personalized homebuilding approach, KB Home lets
each buyer choose their lot location, floor plan, dcor choices, design
features and other special touches that matter most to them. To learn
more about KB Home, call 888-KB-HOMES, visit
or connect on
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Legal :: Criminal Defense Attorneys
Has someone accused you of doing something criminal, something that you are not aware nor are a part of? If someone has gone ahead and legally accused you of a crime that you did not commit, you require a criminal defense attorney to save you and also get you out successfully of the accusation. Criminal defense attorneys specialize in defense of their counsel; these are therefore highly qualified and smart attorneys which their job requires them to be.
One of the unwritten rules for criminal defense is that you need to be absolutely truthful to your attorney so he can work accordingly to prove that you are absolutely innocent of the crime that you have been accused of. Your attorney will be able to provide you quality service only if you have provided him with all the facts. This way you also gain the trust of your attorney.
Criminal defense attorneys are one of the most high ly paid attorneys. This is because the nature of the job requires them to be tough and ultimately they will save you from an impending disaster. You will require paying good fees to these attorneys. You will find them as sharp people who are willing to work diligently for days and hours for the work they put in for you.
Criminal defense attorneys' lists can be found over the Internet. You should check out legal information websites. These websites can provide with all information about all attorneys. You can also check out their successes and failures. You will also need to find out what their previous clients have to say about them and their services also whether or not they were satisfied with them.
Your success, which is so important, certainly depends on how much hard work is done by your attorney. A hard working attorney will never miss anything much, this is the reason why you need to hire only the best when it comes to saving yourself from punishment for crime t hat you most probably did not commit.
If you have not committed a crime, the chances are you will Attorney College Station be freed, if you hire a good criminal defense attorney. You will also need to pay you defense attorney, the fees can be quite substantial; you will need to pay it from your pocket. Many times, attorneys charge according to the hours worked. At times, if the client is not in a position to pay the fees, it is possible that they could provide you some time to pay the fees. However, in no way do they stop Best Attorney College Station your case from proceeding.
Criminal defense attorneys are one of the capable attorneys. Some choose working for clients who are poor however, innocent, such people are also absolutely unaware of legal proceedings. It is one of the most important duties of criminal defense attorneys to prepare their client for the legal trials inside courts and also the possible outcome of their case. Therefore, these attorneys are extremely good communicators, they can also be your teachers.
One of the unwritten rules for criminal defense is that you need to be absolutely truthful to your attorney so he can work accordingly to prove that you are absolutely innocent of the crime that you have been accused of. Your attorney will be able to provide you quality service only if you have provided him with all the facts. This way you also gain the trust of your attorney.
Criminal defense attorneys are one of the most high ly paid attorneys. This is because the nature of the job requires them to be tough and ultimately they will save you from an impending disaster. You will require paying good fees to these attorneys. You will find them as sharp people who are willing to work diligently for days and hours for the work they put in for you.
Criminal defense attorneys' lists can be found over the Internet. You should check out legal information websites. These websites can provide with all information about all attorneys. You can also check out their successes and failures. You will also need to find out what their previous clients have to say about them and their services also whether or not they were satisfied with them.
Your success, which is so important, certainly depends on how much hard work is done by your attorney. A hard working attorney will never miss anything much, this is the reason why you need to hire only the best when it comes to saving yourself from punishment for crime t hat you most probably did not commit.
If you have not committed a crime, the chances are you will Attorney College Station be freed, if you hire a good criminal defense attorney. You will also need to pay you defense attorney, the fees can be quite substantial; you will need to pay it from your pocket. Many times, attorneys charge according to the hours worked. At times, if the client is not in a position to pay the fees, it is possible that they could provide you some time to pay the fees. However, in no way do they stop Best Attorney College Station your case from proceeding.
Criminal defense attorneys are one of the capable attorneys. Some choose working for clients who are poor however, innocent, such people are also absolutely unaware of legal proceedings. It is one of the most important duties of criminal defense attorneys to prepare their client for the legal trials inside courts and also the possible outcome of their case. Therefore, these attorneys are extremely good communicators, they can also be your teachers.
Sunday, 11 June 2017
Legal Dictionary |
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Friday, 9 June 2017
House Of Representatives | Politics
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